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Change Windows XP welcome screen


Start > RUN > type in the following > REGEDIT
  1. Navigate to:
    • HKEY USERS\ .DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop 
  2. Double click the wallpaper value, and type in the full path of your image and the file name.
  3. To tile the image set "TileWallPaper" to 1.
  4. To Stretch the wallpaper set "WallPaperStyle" to 2.
  5. Close the registry editor and the changes will take place when you Log off.


You can also use certain softwares like:
  • TuneUp Utilities
  • WindowBlinds
  • LogonStudio

Note: These methods doesn't provide satisfactory results in my opinion, as after changing the logon screen you see Windows Logo with a Blue Outline that doesn't look good. Though this can be resolved by Removing the Windows Logo which also increases the Booting Speed of your computer.

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