This is an improved code for Hiding folders. You just need to set your password. Rest of the instructions are same as that of Previous code.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
echo Enter the name of Folder/File you want to Hide/Unhide..
set /p "file=>"
if exist !file! goto CODE
if exist !file!.hidden goto UNLOCK
echo File/Folder to be hidden doesn't exist...
set /p "%pause%=>"
goto END
echo Are you sure you want to hide the folder/file? (Y/N)
set /p "hide=>"
if "%hide%"=="y" goto HIDE
if "%hide%"=="Y" goto HIDE
if "%hide%"=="n" goto FAIL
if "%hide%"=="N" goto FAIL
echo Enter the path of the folder where the folder/file exist that you want to hide:
set /p "dir=>"
set %dir% | cd
ren !file! !file!.hidden
attrib +s +h +r !file!.hidden
goto END
echo Enter Password
set /p "pass=>"
if not "%pass%"=="SETYOURPASSWORD" goto FAIL
attrib -s -h -r !file!.hidden
ren !file!.hidden !file!
goto END
echo Invalid Password