Facebook Like Button


This script shows you the way functions are used in JavaScript. The following script shows you:
  • How to declare functions.
  • How to call the functions you have declared.
  • How to change CSS properties of an element with js.
  • The use of inbuilt function alert().

Click me to run this Script.

Script & HTML Code:
<p id="idp"onclick="alertfn()" onmouseover="mpointer()">
<b><u>Click me to run this Script.</u></b>
<script type="text/javascript">
function alertfn(){
alert("This is the Alert box!!!\nClick OK or CLOSE the window to go back!!");
function mpointer(){

Remove Shortcut Icon

Sorry guys, it has been too long since my last post. I was stuck in my Exams. Never the less I'm back. I was browsing registry and then i found a way of Removing that Irritating Shortcut Icon...
Here's the trick:
  • Go to START. 
  • Open Command Prompt. 
  • Follow the Path:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Shell Icons 
  • Edit Column: "29"="C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll,50" 


I am thinking of practicing JavaScript, so lets get started...
If the time is less than 10, you will get a "Before 10am" greeting. Otherwise you will get a "After 10am" greeting.
You need to enclose this script inside script tag.
You need to visit this page at different times to confirm that my script is working well or you can change time of your System.

var d = new Date();
var time = d.getHours();
if (time < 10) { document.write("Before 10am"); } else { document.write("After 10am"); }


Get Username & Password with Google

I recently read an article describing how to get usernames and corresponding passwords with the help of google and decided to blog it here. It was an incomplete article as the author had himself removed many details regarding cracking of passwords maybe because Google didn't allow him to post that. So i will also be providing links rather than explaining it here.

There are many ways to search for vulnerable sites with google. I'll show you here how to get username and password from sites that use FrontPage extentions. Microsoft FrontPage Extensions creates a service.pwd file inside the _vti_pvt directory in the HTTP server's document root. This file contains user names and passwords that could be remotely retrieved by an attacker. The good news is that Google indexes this kind of files, so they are very easy to search for. The bad news is that the passwords are encrypted, but wait, this is not really a bad news :-) because you can crack them if you are patient and you have the will. If you want to become a hacker, you have to be patient and you have to have the will. Please note: I'm not telling you to hack sites, this stuff is just for learning. So if you want to do illegal things, you should know that jail is a possibility.

Send Fake & Anonymous e-Mails

There are many website which allows you to send fake and anonymous e-mails.You can put your own From address, To address, Subject and message and can play a prank with your friend or whoever you want.Here is a list of some websites which you can use.You can play prank and fun with your friend by sending fake email with his girlfriend email address, & a lot more. Here are some popular sites:

Create an Invisible Folder

This is a simple trick. To create an Invisible folder:
  • Create a new folder or select an existing one.
  • Press F2 for renaming it(or you can do it by right click option), & press Alt+0160. This step creates a NO NAME FOLDER.
  • Now in our final step we just have to remove the icon. Right Click on icon > Properties > Customize > Change Icon. Then select the empty space(as u see), but actually its a icon.

  • An invisible folder is ready.

    Remove ShutDown Button

    Play with your friends by removing the shutdown button. Just follow the steps:
    • Go to START. 
    • Open Command Prompt.
    • Type REGEDIT.
    • Follow the path:
    • Edit Column: "NoClose"="DWORD:1"

    ¿ uʍop ǝpısdn ǝʇıɹʍ oʇ ʇuɐʍ

    Want to write upside down?
    Here's a ʎʞunɟ website that enables you writing upside down.

    Click on image to go to the website:

    Scheduled Status Update

    Do you like to keep your Facebook/ Twitter/ MySpace profile active, but you’re taking a trip and won’t be anywhere near a computer for a week. Or maybe you’ll be playing hooky from work and traveling, but you want your colleagues and boss to think you’re stuck at home sick. Accomplish any of these wishes by using Sendible to schedule your Facebook status updates.

    Display Message on StartUp

    This tweak can be used for various purposes, and is also quite easy to implement. Just follow the steps:
    • Go to START.
    • Open Command Prompt.
    • Type REGEDIT.
    • Follow the path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system
    • Edit the Columns: "legalnoticecaption" & "legalnoticetext", and its done.
     Next time Windows starts, it displays the Message.

    Use Your Mouse Wheel Button Differently

    These tricks work on Browsers like Mozilla Firefox & Google Chrome. It may also work with the latest Internet Explorer. Save your time using the following tricks.
    • Opening Links in a New Tab: Sometimes when we wish to open a link in new tab,we right-click on the the link and choose ‘Open Link in New Tab'. Here’s a much quicker way. Just click on the link with the scroll wheel button. The link will open in a new tab. We can even click on the Home button or the Forward/Back button to open the respective URL in a new tab.
    • Closing Tabs: To close a tab, we can just place the mouse cursor on a tab and click with the scroll wheel. This is more convenient and faster than clicking the small cross on the tabs, especially when we want to close several tabs.

    Create an Autorun File for USB Drives

    It is quite simple to create an Autorun File. You just need to save a Text Document(Notepad) with the following first line:


    And save it as 'autorun.inf' (With single Quotes)

    Code for Hiding Folder(Improved)

    This is an improved code for Hiding folders. You just need to set your password. Rest of the instructions are same as that of Previous code.

    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    echo Enter the name of Folder/File you want to Hide/Unhide..
    set /p "file=>"
    if exist !file! goto CODE
    if exist !file!.hidden goto UNLOCK
    echo File/Folder to be hidden doesn't exist...
    set /p "%pause%=>"
    goto END
    echo Are you sure you want to hide the folder/file? (Y/N)
    set /p "hide=>"
    if "%hide%"=="y" goto HIDE
    if "%hide%"=="Y" goto HIDE
    if "%hide%"=="n" goto FAIL
    if "%hide%"=="N" goto FAIL
    echo Enter the path of the folder where the folder/file exist that you want to hide:
    set /p "dir=>"
    set %dir% | cd
    ren !file! !file!.hidden
    attrib +s +h +r !file!.hidden
    goto END
    echo Enter Password
    set /p "pass=>"
    if not "%pass%"=="SETYOURPASSWORD" goto FAIL
    attrib -s -h -r !file!.hidden
    ren !file!.hidden !file!
    goto END
    echo Invalid Password

    Code for Hiding Folder

    The following code will surely help you hide as well as lock your folder. You just need to replace the following strings in the code:
     YOURFILE/FOLDERNAME: Enter the name of folder or file(with extension) you want to hide.
    SETYOURPASSWORD: Set you password by replacing this string.

    Anyone can see your password by RightClick>Edit, thats why i have coded it in such a way that the Directory of the Folder/File to be hidden should be known. For further prevention you should save this Batch file in a Directory other than the one where your hidden Folder/File is present.