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Unblock Torrent Sites

There were many sites that were blocked by certain ISPs ( Airtel, Reliance and MTNL ). To unblock the torrent sites you just need to open the sites with the links given below:


Till now, we were practicing Inline Scripting. i.e.(Script inside Body Tag)
This is the first example showing Internal Scripting. i.e.(Script inside Head Tag)
You can't see this script here live, due to certain limitations of Google. You have to save it in a HTML file and run it.
Here, I used a predefined method "setInterval("fnname_to_be_recalled",time_in_ms)".

<script type="text/javascript">
var i=0;
function blink() {
function repeat(){

<body onload="repeat()">
<div id="idp">Blinking Text</div>


This script shows you the way functions are used in JavaScript. The following script shows you:
  • How to declare functions.
  • How to call the functions you have declared.
  • How to change CSS properties of an element with js.
  • The use of inbuilt function alert().

Click me to run this Script.

Script & HTML Code:
<p id="idp"onclick="alertfn()" onmouseover="mpointer()">
<b><u>Click me to run this Script.</u></b>
<script type="text/javascript">
function alertfn(){
alert("This is the Alert box!!!\nClick OK or CLOSE the window to go back!!");
function mpointer(){

Remove Shortcut Icon

Sorry guys, it has been too long since my last post. I was stuck in my Exams. Never the less I'm back. I was browsing registry and then i found a way of Removing that Irritating Shortcut Icon...
Here's the trick:
  • Go to START. 
  • Open Command Prompt. 
  • Follow the Path:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Shell Icons 
  • Edit Column: "29"="C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll,50" 


I am thinking of practicing JavaScript, so lets get started...
If the time is less than 10, you will get a "Before 10am" greeting. Otherwise you will get a "After 10am" greeting.
You need to enclose this script inside script tag.
You need to visit this page at different times to confirm that my script is working well or you can change time of your System.

var d = new Date();
var time = d.getHours();
if (time < 10) { document.write("Before 10am"); } else { document.write("After 10am"); }